Once upon a time…

2016 - 2017

It all started with the making of 10 puppets in the 6th grade as part of a project with Rania Refaat, founder of El Pergola puppet theater. The following school year, a class of 7th graders took over and presented, in February 2017, a first live and interactive show to children from the Nadi El Salam kindergarten, that took place in the Zabaleen district; in June, the show was taken up and staged for children from the Ahbab Allah school. In November, within the scope of the week of the French high schools of the world, the show is presented, this time, to the children of the specialized section of the MLS school (video - min. 1:56) at the foot of the Giza plateau. In December of the same year, the story of Goha was again performed for the children of Ahbab Allah who were celebrating Christmas.


In January, we go to Health&Hope oasis in Wadi Natroun to spend a day with children suffering from cancer and their families. In April, the first international buffet was organised at the LFC as part of the Respect-Tolerance day. At the same time, the 11th grade students work with the children of Ahbab Allah and elaborate together their end of year show - this time, it is no longer about puppets but about the story of a triangle lost in the middle of circles!

In September of the same year…

la mission Alizés voit le jour et regroupe plusieurs enseignantes, essentiellement de langues, dans l’intention de fédérer les projets citoyens au cœur du LFC.

Our work with the young refugees of Tadamon starts in Maadi.

In December, we once again hold a Christmas party for the children of the Ahbab Allah school: fun activities, a puppet show and distribution of gifts are part of the celebrations


Once again, we start the new year, at the end of January, spending a full day at the centre Health&Hope oasis

On a particularly rainy day in February, a concert was held at the El Nour wul Amal learning centre.

In April, the Respect and Tolerance Day returns with our guests of honour, the young refugees of the stARS organisation who offer us a concert that has been prepared for a long time with the LFC volunteers

At the end of April, Ahbab Allah celebrates its 30th anniversary!

In June, we organise another fun and exciting day at the Health&Hope oasis centre.

At Christmas, after several months of preparation, we welcome the children of the Tadamon association to the school for two consecutive colourful shows. On the outside, we celebrate once again the end of the year with the children of the Ahbab Allah school.


Under a mild sun, we go to spend a day at Health&Hope oasis; this time an awareness workshop on JinShin practices is proposed and some young girls from Ahbab Allah accompany us.

The closure of the high school slows down our activities, but we nevertheless establish a first contact with Advance school in New Cairo: a visit of the premises and a quick awareness session on autism.

In September, we had to save the "Ramadan Cartons" operation that had been started just before the pandemic. In two months, the school was mobilised and we sent the boxes to the families of the Tadamon association for Christmas ⭐️. At the same time, several sales campaigns, including Christmas cards, organised by the school, allow us to make other donations to several associations: Advance school, Ahbab Allah, stArs.

From October to December, volunteers also took turns leading various activities organised with the Tadamon association in Maadi: music (guitar and piano), language courses (English and French), embroidery, plastic arts

Madinaty Club

We timidly assist the Advance school with an end-of-year bazaar

And we join the children of Ahbab Allah for the Christmas celebration


In February and June, after a long absence, we were pleased to join the children of Nadi El Salam for two half days of varied activities

In parallel, in April and June, we hold activities with the very young blind or visually impaired children of the El Nour wul Amal centre

In April, despite the hybrid working system and in collaboration with the Advance school, we succeeded in organising an autism awareness week in the high school, a practice that had been initiated in 2019.

All profits from this operation are donated to Advance school

A page is turned...

As a result of your enthusiasm, a decision was taken to broaden the scope of our activities. At the school occasionally, but mainly outside the bounds of the school, our organisation will be known as


and it is under this name that our activities will henceforth be conducted…